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It’s disappeared from the explore menu due to the recent header changes at Goodreads. I’m still hoping they will restore the menu option, but for now it’s easiest to use this direct link: http://www.goodreads.com/author. Would you like a blog post containing other direct links and secret pages at Goodreads?

The main section on this page is devoted to author blogs and I’ve already written a post about the blogs that I will link to below. In the right column, there is a link to the author program at the top, then Exclusive Interviews. The Popular Authors and Recently Online headers both link to the same page, but the Recently Joined header doesn’t link anywhere, it just lists a very few of the latest authors to join the program. The videos section is missing entirely. I’ve written before about the videos on goodreads and I’ll link to that post below. Here is the direct link to the videos page http://www.goodreads.com/videos.

The Authors on Goodreads page (reached by clicking on Popular Authors or Recently Online, as mentioned above) lists all the authors that have joined the goodreads author program. Six different sort orders are currently available. Popularity, fans, books authored, last name, books shelved and last online. I wish they would add a sort order option for last joined.

The information for each author on the Authors on Goodreads page (direct link is http://www.goodreads.com/author/on_goodreads) includes the title of their most popular book and the number of other books by the author, number of books shelved, number of friends, number of member reviews (this seems to be the number they use to determine popularity, but it actually includes all everyone who has shelved one of the author’s books, not just reviews or ratings) and number of fans. The book title, number of other books, number of books shelved and number of friends are links to the related pages.

I just noticed that I am no longer a friend of Neil Gaiman. Apparently when goodreads recently limited everyone, even authors, to 5,000 friends they dumped many of us from his list of friends. He had over 9,000 friends.